How to generate a membership inference attacks report?#

Check that the synthetic data protect the privacy of the real data#

Based on the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset (WBCD)

# Standard library
import sys

import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

# 3rd party packages
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Local packages
from generators.ctabgan_generator import CTABGANGenerator
from generators.ctgan_generator import CTGANGenerator
from generators.dataSynthesizer import DataSynthesizerGenerator
from generators.mst_generator import MSTGenerator
from generators.smote import SmoteGenerator
from generators.synthpop_generator import SynthpopGenerator
from generators.findiff_generator import FindiffGenerator
from generators.tvae_generator import TVAEGenerator
from import PrivacyReport

Generate synthetic data#

Load the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset#

df_real = pd.read_csv("../data/breast_cancer_wisconsin.csv").drop(
    "Sample_code_number", axis=1
(683, 10)
Clump_Thickness Uniformity_of_Cell_Size Uniformity_of_Cell_Shape Marginal_Adhesion Single_Epithelial_Cell_Size Bare_Nuclei Bland_Chromatin Normal_Nucleoli Mitoses Class
0 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
1 5 4 4 5 7 10 3 2 1 2
2 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2
3 6 8 8 1 3 4 3 7 1 2
4 4 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 2

Split the real data into train and test sets#

df_real_train, df_real_test = train_test_split(
    df_real, test_size=1 / 3, random_state=42, stratify=df_real["Class"]
df_real_train.to_csv("../data/WBCD_train.csv", index=False)
df_real_test.to_csv("../data/WBCD_test.csv", index=False)

Create the metadata dictionary#

The continuous and categorical variables need to be specified, as well as the variable to predict for the future learning task (used by SMOTE)

metadata = {
    "continuous": [
    "categorical": ["Class"],
    "variable_to_predict": "Class",

Choose a generator#

We choose synthpop as generator with default setting

gen = SynthpopGenerator(
    random_state=42,  # for reproducibility, can be set to None
    generator_filepath=None,  # to load an existing generator,
    variables_order=None,  # use the dataframe columns order by default
    min_samples_leaf=5,  # default = 5

Fit the generator to the real train data#

gen.preprocess()"../results/attack/generator/1st_generation")  # the path should exist

Generate synthetic data#

df_synth_train = gen.sample(
    save_path="../results/attack/data/1st_generation",  # the path should exist
df_synth_test = gen.sample(
    save_path="../results/attack/data/1st_generation",  # the path should exist

Generate 2nd generation synthetic data#

We choose the same generator and setting to generate the 2nd generation synthetic data

gen_2nd = SynthpopGenerator(
    random_state=42,  # for reproducibility, can be set to None
    generator_filepath=None,  # to load an existing generator,
    variables_order=None,  # use the dataframe columns order by default
    min_samples_leaf=5,  # default = 5
)  # the path should exist
df_synth_2nd = gen_2nd.sample(
    save_path="../results/attack/data/2nd_generation",  # the path should exist

Generate privacy report#

Gethor real and synthetic data into dictionaries#

df_real_dict = {}
df_real_dict["train"] = df_real_train
df_real_dict["test"] = df_real_test

# 1st and 2nd generation synthetic data
df_synth_dict = {}
df_synth_dict["train"] = df_synth_train
df_synth_dict["test"] = df_synth_test
df_synth_dict["2nd_gen"] = df_synth_2nd

Generate the privacy report#

report = PrivacyReport(
    dataset_name="Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset",
    figsize=(8, 6),  # will be automatically adjusted for larger or longer figures
    random_state=42,  # for reproducibility purposes
    report_filepath=None,  # load a computed report if available
    metrics=None,  # list of the metrics to compute. If not specified, all the metrics are computed.
    sampling_frac=0.5,  # the fraction of data to sample from real and synthetic datasets for better computing performance
    num_repeat=10,  # for the metrics relying on predictions
    num_kfolds=3,  # the number of folds to tune the hyperparameters for the metrics relying on predictors
    num_optuna_trials=15,  # the number of trials of the optimization process for tuning hyperparameters for the metrics relying on predictors
    use_gpu=False,  # run the learning tasks on the GPU
LOGAN test set shape: (228, 10)
TableGan test set shape: (228, 10)
Detector test set shape: (228, 10)

Get the summary report as a pandas dataframe#

----- Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset -----
    - 455 instances in the train set,
    - 228 instances in the test set,
    - 10 variables, 9 continuous and 1 categorical.
df_summary = report.summary()
by = ["name", "objective", "min", "max"]
df_summary.groupby(by).apply(lambda x: x.drop(by, axis=1).reset_index(drop=True))
alias submetric value
name objective min max
Collision max 0 1.0 0 collision precision 0.185400
1 collision recall 0.997959
2 collision f1_score 0.307894
3 collision recovery_rate 0.157235
inf 0 collision avg_num_appearance_realtrain 1.463023
1 collision avg_num_appearance_realcontrol 1.349112
2 collision avg_num_appearance_synth 1.516667
3 collision avg_num_appearance_collision_real 3.836735
4 collision avg_num_appearance_collision_synth 4.081633
DCR max 0 1.0 0 dcr nndr_5th_percent_synthreal_train 0.000000
1 dcr nndr_5th_percent_synthreal_control 0.000000
inf 0 dcr dcr_5th_percent_synthreal_train 0.000000
1 dcr dcr_5th_percent_synthreal_control 0.000000
min 0 1.0 0 dcr ratio_match_synthreal_train 0.412281
1 dcr ratio_match_synthreal_control 0.403509
Detector max 0 1.0 0 detector precision_top1% 0.600000
1 detector precision_top50% 0.594737
2 detector precision 0.565027
3 detector tpr_at_0.001%_fpr 0.007018
4 detector tpr_at_0.1%_fpr 0.007018
GAN-Leaks max 0 1.0 0 ganleaks precision_top1% 0.500000
1 ganleaks precision_top50% 0.859649
LOGAN max 0 1.0 0 logan precision_top1% 0.300000
1 logan precision_top50% 0.455263
2 logan precision 0.456295
3 logan tpr_at_0.001%_fpr 0.002632
4 logan tpr_at_0.1%_fpr 0.002632
Monte Carlo Membership max 0 1.0 0 mcmebership precision_top1% 0.500000
1 mcmebership precision_top50% 0.526316
TableGan max 0 1.0 0 tablegan precision_top1% 0.650000
1 tablegan precision_top50% 0.466667
2 tablegan precision 0.464987
3 tablegan tpr_at_0.001%_fpr 0.011404
4 tablegan tpr_at_0.1%_fpr 0.011404

Display the detailed report#

report.detailed(show=True, save_folder=None, figure_format="png")

Save and load the report#

[ ]:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:, filename="privacy_report")  # save
    new_report = PrivacyReport(
        report_filepath=Path(temp_dir) / "privacy_report.pkl"
    )  # load